7 comments / June 18, 2014

SOLVED: InnoDB Error: space header page consists of zero bytes: xampp

I just installed 32 bit version of xampp 1.8.2 that included php 5.4, mysql 5.0.1 and apache 2.4.9. All three packed inside bitnami webdevelopment package, so the installation is simple and nice. But when i started mysql, it failed to start.

0 comments / June 07, 2014

How to open iframe link in parent window / new window

Normally if you click on any link in iframe content it will automatically open only within the iframe window. But you make those links to be openend in the parent window or new window by using target property of anchor tag.

1 comments / June 07, 2014

Open iframe link on parent / new window without using target attribute

Links in iframe will open on the same window by default, but specifying target on base tag we can make all links inside iframe to open in same / new window.

0 comments / June 03, 2014

How to generate seo friendly urls

This simple function gives you an idea how to generate more seo friendly urls like the one used in webdevelopmentscripts.com

0 comments / June 03, 2014

How to get mysql auto increment value

We sometimes need next auto increment value in a mysql table for various purposes. It can be achieved through querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.

0 comments / June 01, 2014

drew wilson jquery autocomplete / autosuggest plugin

jquery autocomplete / autosuggest plugins provides list of suggestions when we type in text fields.

2 comments / April 23, 2014

PHP Namespace Basics: Beginner view

Alike many other languages like Java and C++, PHP introduced Namespaces concept in version 5.3. PHP implementation of namespaces is somewhat similar to c++, because most of the syntax and design are borrowed from c++. So what namespaces holds new for you?