Terms of Use
Hi, Welcome to Webdevelopmentscripts.com. When we talk about or use the words 'sites' and 'webdevelopmentscripts' we are referring webdevelopmentscripts.com. Because we run this site.
There are some rules / terms to use this website. By using the site you’re making a legal agreement to stick to our terms. Because these terms tell you how you can use webdevelopmentscripts.com, please take a moment to read and understand them. Occasionally we might update our terms and we’ll post information about that on our site. When we let you know that our terms have changed, please read them to see how they affect you, as they will apply from the time they are changed.
If you can’t, or don’t want to, accept these terms, then you won’t be able to use webdevelopmentscripts. By using the site, you are agreeing to these terms.
When we say ‘content’, we’re talking about all the content we’ve put on our site that we own – this includes tutorials, tips, demos, downloads and sample files. We also own all the rights in the site content including their design, compilation and look and feel.
Of course, there’s also material or assets owned by others on the sites. We usually use material or assets owned by others on the basis of one of the following grounds. We might have obtained a specific license to use an asset – for example the owner of a photograph or author of an eBook might give us a license to use the work on our sites. We might use something like source code or a photograph under a creative commons or open source license. We might also be able to use an asset, or part of an asset, under the exceptions to copyright such as fair use. If it is reasonable to do so, we’ll usually say who the asset belongs to when it’s been included in part of our content.
Your rights
We want you to enjoy our site and learn from them. We give you permission to use the sites in exchange for accepting our terms and complying with them. If you want to get legal, this is called a revocable, non-exclusive license.
You can use what you learn for personal and commercial purposes. You can freely use the effects and techniques demonstrated in the content for any personal purpose, if you use it for commercial purpose then you've to say where you learned it. You may use, modify and manipulate assets like source files but only for your own personal educational purposes.
Help us to keep tutorials free
We don’t charge you to access our content on this site, but we do use some common strategies to help us to run this site. These might include affiliate programs, sponsored posts, advertising and so on. While it will usually be easy to identify what is an advertisement or a sponsored post, sometimes other commercial relationships might not be so obvious. We want to be entirely upfront that some of these relationships, such as affiliate programs, might mean that we receive a commission if a purchase is made from a site we link to.
It is up to you to make sure that any products and services you find using our sites meet your needs. We don’t formally endorse any third party products or services when we link to them. We don’t have control over anyone else’s website, business, representations or the quality of their products or services, so we can’t be liable to you for anything provided by others. But of course, we only recommend something if we think it is worthy. If you disagree with a recommendation, or have a different point of view, let us know.
Things you can’t do
You agree that you won’t redistribute, frame, repurpose or copy any of our content and you won’t use the content for any purpose that we have not expressly stated. Sometimes we’ve been allowed to use an asset owned by someone else, to illustrate an example or to use for demonstration purposes. Usually this is on the basis that we – and you – won’t use it in any other way apart from in the tutorial and for personal education. The only rights that you have to these assets is within the context of the tutorial. As a result, you’re not allowed to extract assets from articles and tutorials (like photos, audio samples or other assets in source files).
In using the sites you agree that you will not:
- use a false email address, impersonate others, or misrepresent your affiliation with others;
- attempt to gain unauthorised access to computer systems or materials through webdevelopmentscripts;
- engage in automatic gathering of information from or through webdevelopmentscripts (such as “spidering”, “screen scraping”, “database scraping” or harvesting of e-mail addresses);
- attempt to interrupt or alter webdevelopmentscripts operation in any way (for example through sending mass unsolicited messages, “flooding” servers, or introducing a virus, time bomb, trojan horse, worm, cancelbot or other computer routine );
- use webdevelopmentscripts or any of its content in a way that violates applicable law, that violates the intellectual property or other rights of us or others, or that is fraudulent, obscene, offensive, misleading or defamatory.
We control and operate webdevelopmentscripts from India. The laws of India govern these terms, and you and webdevelopmentscripts submit to the jurisdiction of the courts there. webdevelopmentscripts is not liable to you for any loss, claim, injury or damage of any kind that is in any way related to your use of webdevelopmentscripts. To the maximum extent permitted at law, we make no warranty of any kind about the information or other content provided on the sites.