Posts tagged 'mysql'
How to get mysql auto increment value
We sometimes need next auto increment value in a mysql table for various purposes. It can be achieved through querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.
How to take mysql database backup periodically
mysqldump is a database backup program used to create copy of database or collection databases. When you run mysqldump, it will prompt you for password, on valid password it will create backup copy of the database in given path.
Count number of occurances in mysql
MySQL doesn't have any built in function to count number of occurrences in a string, so we need bit of tweak in our query to achieve make this work.
MySQL length and char_length difference
In MySQL, length and char_length functions are used to find number of characters present in string. So which one is best to use and how it differs?
Mysql insert and update in one query
This is one of the great feature available in MySQL from version 4.1, but most of us forgotten this feature or reluctant to use.
Last executed query in MySQL
MySQL has various log system that can help a user to debug and improve query performance. So find out how to list last executed queries in MySQL.